Three waters decision to mandate disappointing
27 October 2021
LGNZ says it is disappointing that the government has mandated the reforms.
Can’t fix housing without addressing funding
19 October 2021
More planning reform is unlikely to fix the housing crisis without addressing how we sustainably fund infrastructure.
MTFJ’s national employment outcomes for youth and employers a ‘win-win’
14 October 2021
MTFJ is celebrating a successful year having placed over 1300 youth and Covid-displaced workers into sustainable employment.
LGNZ sees potential in future-focused report but change can’t be one-sided
8 October 2021
Future for Local Government Panel’s interim report is a great start and can go further.
Feedback defines critical three waters reform challenges
30 September 2021
LGNZ President congratulates councils for the work put in over the past eight weeks providing feedback on Three Waters Reform.
Horowhenua on the rise with second CouncilMARK™ report
23 September 2021
CouncilMark™ gives Horowhenua District Council’s performance a tick of approval in its second independent assessment.
Government commitment to improve Overseer is welcome says LGNZ Regional Sector
11 August 2021
LGNZ Regional Sector acknowledges the Government’s report on Overseer.
Local voice not strong enough in the replacement for the RMA
5 August 2021
LGNZ is calling on the Government to bolster the provisions for communities to have a stronger voice.
LGNZ's member councils pass seven remits to direct LGNZ’s policy advocacy
21 July 2021
LGNZ's member councils have today passed seven remits to direct LGNZ’s policy advocacy.
Councils scoop awards for outstanding community projects
16 July 2021
LGNZ EXCELLENCE Awards show just how transformative councils can be.
Palmerston North to host next Local Government New Zealand Conference
16 July 2021
The 2022 Local Government New Zealand Conference will be held in Palmerston North on 21-23 July next year.
Auckland’s COVID-19 response honoured at Local Government New Zealand EXCELLENCE
16 July 2021
Auckland Council has been given a special honour at the 2021 Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) EXCELLENCE Awards.
LGNZ welcomes massive boost for community wellbeing as part of Three Waters deal
15 July 2021
President Stuart Crosby has welcomed the Government’s announcement of a support package for councils.
Far North wins bid to host young leaders at local government hui
14 July 2021
The Far North has won a bid to host this year’s national Young Elected Members (YEMs) hui.
LGNZ welcomes release of Three Waters dashboards
30 June 2021
LGNZ has welcomed the Government’s latest Three Waters announcement.
Community and council input critical to shaping new RM laws
29 June 2021
Community voice is critical to getting the Resource Management Reform right.
High levels of service to community feature in local government EXCELLENCE Award
9 June 2021
The exceptional service that local councils provide across New Zealand is demonstrated in LGNZ's Excellence Awards.
Strong result for unique, small council shows size isn’t everything
13 May 2021
A unique community has shown that improving outcomes for ratepayers under tough economic conditions is possible.