LGNZ welcomes Southland’s leadership on freshwater
16 December 2020
LGNZ welcomes the leadership shown by a Southland group.
Beehive briefing sets out local government priorities
10 December 2020
LGNZ has publicly released its Briefing for the Incoming Government.
Latest CouncilMARK report digs into regional council operations and culture
8 December 2020
The CouncilMARK™ Independent Assessment Board has released their report on the Bay of Plenty Regional Council.
LGNZ supports tough Tauranga City Council decision
4 December 2020
LGNZ supports the Minister of Local Government's decision to seek the appointment of a Commission at Tauranga City Council.
Mayors Taskforce for Jobs AGM shows power of local response during global crisis
25 November 2020
Dozens of mayors, councillors, and young people gathered on Friday to celebrate The Mayors Taskforce for Jobs' success.
LGNZ welcomes returning Minister of Local Government
2 November 2020
LGNZ is welcoming the appointment of the Hon. Nanaia Mahuta as Minister of Local Government for a second term.
Agreement with iwi a milestone for local government
23 October 2020
LGNZ hails arrangement between the West Coast Regional Council and Poutini Ngāi Tahu, as a milestone.
LGNZ welcomes new Government and future of local government conversation
20 October 2020
LGNZ congratulates Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and Labour on an impressive general election result.
Survey shows local political aspirants increasingly younger, female and Māori
14 October 2020
LGNZ has confirmed that the face of local government is changing.
FNDC learns lessons from tough performance assessment
28 September 2020
Far North District Council takes action to address what was initially perceived as a disappointing first CouncilMARK assessment.
Submissions reveal a new way to govern New Zealand
21 September 2020
LGNZ has released public feedback on its localism discussion paper, “Reinvigorating Local Democracy.”
LGNZ election manifesto calls on public to ask hard questions
15 September 2020
LGNZ today released its 2020 General Election Manifesto.
Stimulus funding welcome for recycling plant upgrades
26 August 2020
LGNZ welcomes the stimulus funding to upgrade seven high-tech recycling plants across New Zealand.
Local government votes on remits
21 August 2020
LGNZ member councils have today passed 9 remits to direct LGNZ’s policy advocacy.
Local government elects new president
21 August 2020
LGNZ member councils have today elected Stuart Crosby as LGNZ President, replacing Dave Cull who steps down from the role.
LGNZ disappointed in lack of courage on fireworks
19 August 2020
LGNZ has expressed disappointment in a recommendation by the Governance and Administration select committee.
Councils set to vote on 11 remits at LGNZ AGM
18 August 2020
Eleven remits have been set down for debate and voting at the 2020 LGNZ Annual General Meeting.
Council case studies highlight need for speed on climate change adaptation
11 August 2020
LGNZ's report on the impacts of climate change illustrates how challenging it is for councils grapple with the issue of adaption.