Resource Management submission outline

2 December 2022
The Government’s resource management reform bills had their first reading on Tuesday 22 November.
These bills have now been referred to the Environment Select Committee – with a very tight deadline of 30 January for written submissions.
We are frustrated by the unreasonableness of this deadline for everyone. It’s hot on the heels of the summer break and while councils are still settling in. It’s something we’ve consistently raised with the Government in multiple ways.
We’ve developed a potential outline of our submission for two reasons:
- We want to provide as much support as possible as you prepare your own submission. The outline flags issues that we think all councils will be concerned with and potentially want to submit on.
- We also genuinely want your feedback to shape our actual submission. Depending on your feedback, our draft submission could look quite different from the outline that we’re sharing today.
We’re keen to hear your feedback on our outline
This outline suggests points we’re looking to develop in our submission – and we want to know what you think before we go any further.
Please provide feedback on the outline by Friday 9 December. You can send this to
We also have a zoom organised for you if you’d rather provide verbal feedback.
- When: Wednesday 7 December, 4-5:15 pm
- Where: online, Zoom link (access passcode: 375160)
This zoom will briefly explain the outline, and then the rest of the time will be dedicated to your thoughts and questions.
The process from here
Once we get your feedback on the outline, we’ll produce a draft LGNZ submission. We’ll share that draft submission with you before Christmas.
We’re pushing back on an unreasonable deadline
Together with Taituarā, we’ve written to Parliament’s Environment Select Committee asking for the deadline for written submissions on the two resource management bills to be extended.