Count yourself in – 2023 Elected Member Census

4 May 2023
Are you a mayor, chair, councillor, community board member or local board member? Make sure you're counted in our Census of all elected members.
Conducted after each local government election, the Elected Member Census is a valuable snapshot of local government in Aotearoa. Good data makes our voice on your behalf more powerful. We use it to advocate on your behalf – and central government pays a lot of attention to the data we share.
We need you to make the Census a success. Why? Because when you complete our Census, the data you provide helps create a picture of who elected members are.
It’s anonymous – we only ask for your council and role, not your name. Your responses will be held in strict confidence, and any personal information will be disaggregated to ensure that individuals cannot be identified. It’s something we ask every single elected member in Aotearoa New Zealand to fill out.
We plan use the data in submissions, to identify groups of elected members that may need specific support from LGNZ and central government, to highlight trends and gaps in the media, and to inform the promotion of the 2025 local elections. Your response is crucial to help us make our voice on your behalf more powerful.
Completing the Census takes less than 10 minutes. It’s open from Thursday 4 May to Friday 2 June – and we’ll make results available in mid-2023.