Local roads to benefit from transport boost

6 June 2024
LGNZ is welcoming a boost in funding for local roads and public transport today, LGNZ Transport Forum Chair Neil Holdom said.
“Councils play a significant role in delivering Aotearoa New Zealand’s transport system,” Neil Holdom said.
“Getting our roads back in shape has been a priority for councils but with heavily constrained finances, we’ve needed more Government investment to get the job done.
“We are pleased to see increased maintenance and resilience funding today, particularly the earmarked $1.9b for local roads. We’re also pleased to hear the Minister signal more public transport investment to support local transport needs,” Neil Holdom said.
“Successive governments have underinvested in renewals and maintenance, which has had a detrimental effect on the usability of our transport system.
“Recent extreme weather events have clearly demonstrated the toll the changing climate is having and will continue to have on the condition of our roads and impacts for communities disconnected from the rest of Aotearoa.
LGNZ President Sam Broughton has reiterated calls for more investment and greater local decision-making in transport, as indicated in LGNZ’s submission on the GPS.
“The state of roads and the needs of each region vary greatly, and councils are best placed to make investment decisions, not Wellington,” Sam Broughton said.
“We’re concerned there is a growing level of Wellington-decided ringfencing of how councils can invest in local transport needs. We will see better and cheaper outcomes by empowering those decisions to be made at a local level.
“We look forward to seeing the rest of the decisions on the National Land Transport Fund align with these principles,” Sam Broughton said.