LGNZ supports tough Tauranga City Council decision

4 December 2020
LGNZ supports the Minister of Local Government's decision to seek the appointment of a Commission at Tauranga City Council.
Local Government New Zealand’s National Council says it supports Minister of Local Government Nanaia Mahuta’s decision to seek the appointment of a Commission at Tauranga City Council, saying it is a tough call that puts the interests of the community first.
LGNZ is the peak body representing New Zealand’s 78 local councils, providing a unified voice for the sector and a pathway for continuous improvement through CouncilMARK™.
The Minister of Local Government made her decision on the basis of significant governance problems, and is satisfied that the appropriate intervention thresholds have been met. Tauranga City Council has ten working days to respond to the Minister’s letter of intention. The Council’s response will be considered before a final decision is made.
“There is disappointment in the local government sector that such drastic action has had to be taken, but it is a lesson to us all that dysfunctional behaviour won’t be tolerated because it undermines faith in the local democratic process,” said LGNZ President Stuart Crosby.
“Fostering a culture of good local governance is ultimately the collective responsibility of all elected members, and while the decision to remove the democratic representative tier of a council is never taken lightly, when it does it is appropriate that accountability is shared,” said Mr Crosby.
“LGNZ looks forward to the restoration of full democracy in New Zealand’s fifth biggest city by population once these issues have been resolved.”