Tono āwhina me te tautoko
Get help & support

We understand the challenges faced by elected members and we’re here to support you every step of the way with practical support and advice.
Advice and support
Not everything can be neatly explained in a guide or a template. Sometimes elected members just need a sounding board, a confidential ear or a neutral third-party who can provide advice from an outside perspective. Our team are experts at dealing with any and all situations that arise and are here to provide support regardless of the context.
We provide:
- support to individual elected members who find their role within their councils or in their community personally challenging
- guidance to elected members on how to navigate council processes and achieve the policies and objectives on which they were elected
- advice and support relating to the relationship with the chief executive and leading and managing the employment relationship
- support to recruit and employ the right chief executive
- advice on managing code of conduct issues and advice to deescalate and resolve issues and avoid formal processes.
Te Āhuru Mōwai programme
Te Āhuru Mōwai – A Safe Haven is a tuakana-teina support programme established in 2022 by Te Maruata and LGNZ. It provides a culturally safe and confident space for Māori elected members to support and learn from each other through whanaungatanga and monthly online wānanga.
For more information contact:
Counselling service
Being an elected member puts you on the front line in your communities, which can take its toll on your hauora/health and wellbeing.
LGNZ offers a free counselling and support service for any elected member who needs it.
You have free access to a 24/7 helpline and online resources, including digital tools to help track and manage your wellbeing/hauora, whether you’re focused on reducing stress, managing anxiety, improving your sleep or supporting loved ones.
Your details remain fully confidential — no identifying information is shared with LGNZ or your council.
Your mental and physical hauora/health and wellbeing are critical factors in enabling you to be successful in your role. Take advantage of the support services on offer to keep yourself at peak performance.
Log in using the code LGNZMember, password: wellbeing.