Engaging with Communities

Applicant: Community Board
Entry: Community Board initiative or project

Community Boards are all about making sure local voices are heard, listened to and respected. That’s why this award is about championing the meaningful ways Community Boards have engaged with the people they serve and represent. The winner will have found innovative and authentic ways to connect with their specific community, and helped ensure that their voices are valued in local government decision-making.

To nominate your Community Board for this award, you must demonstrate the following:

  1. An innovative, meaningful way you’ve engaged with your community, especially those who aren’t often heard from in local government
  2. How you’ve moved beyond traditional engagement methods to ensure greater and/or broader community participation
  3. Examples of how this community’s views were not only identified, but also incorporated into Community Board or council decision-making
  4. Any other key considerations that were part of this mahi, including but not limited to:
    1. A genuine commitment to te ao Māori principles
    2. Meaningful partnerships and/or engagement with any other key stakeholders (including community members)
    3. Any cultural or environmental considerations that were incorporated in the work

Download and complete the application form and return by email to chloe.stewart@lgnz.co.nz.