Zone 2 representative/Rotorua Lakes District Council
Fisher Wang

Councillor, student, explorer

“I’m an optimist and being part of the decision-making and seeing how that work benefits and changes our community is very rewarding.”

Fisher Wang's drive to jump into local government springs from a simple yet profound wish: to make sure the community can easily connect with their local leaders. As a law student at the University of Waikato, Fisher's journey is already peppered with accomplishments, including being a Resource Management Act Commissioner and holding several board positions. 

Fisher loves the diversity of his community and is hugely honoured to be representing them. He's a firm believer that local government holds the keys to shaping our communities — touching everything from infrastructure to funding and planning. To Fisher, this makes it all the more essential for people to care and engage. 

To crank up local government's effectiveness, Fisher zooms in on a few key gears: more diversity, extended terms for a steady course, and additional funding. He believes that remarkable elected members possess integrity, a passion for the community and a desire to contribute to making our communities a better place — not looking into the rear-view mirror, but onto the road ahead. 

When Fisher isn't working, you'll find him whipping up culinary delights, venturing into the embrace of nature, or exploring the rich tapestry of cultures through travel— always with an eye on what's just around the corner.