Zone 1 representative/Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board
Jessie McVeagh

Community board member, volunteer firefighter, tramper
“I aim to empower more people to get involved and influence decisions on the things they care about.”
Jessie McVeagh has been involved in plenty of local issues as a mum, member of the local Health Trust, housing and environmental groups, and as a project manager on the Ara Rongoā Hikoi Whakaora - Wellbeing Walkway at the local hospital.
All these roles saw her interact daily with a variety of people, hearing about the issues they faced. So moving into local government seemed a natural progression for her.
She says its rewarding to be able to make a difference, to improve things in the area, and to make it easier for others to be involved in decisions that affect them.
Jessie also knows where change is needed. More people need to vote in local elections, elected members need to stay more focused on finding solutions to the really important issues, and there should be compulsory training on Te Tiriti o Waitangi, Resource Management Act and Local Government Act for all elected members.
For the people of Hokianga Whakapau Karakia, Jessie notes, their place is the centre of the universe. The community show a lot of care for their people and beautiful place, and everyone wants to see things looked after.