2024 AGM

LGNZ holds an Annual General Meeting (AGM) each year.
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of member authorities will be held as part of the LGNZ conference, from 1.00-2.30pm on Wednesday 21 August.
Member authorities admitted to membership under Rule C1 of the LGNZ constitution are entitled to representation at the AGM.
What next?
Members will vote on remits at the AGM in August – all those approved by the Remit Screening Committee have been circulated to councils. The Committee’s decision was informed by National Council’s remit screening policy and our four key criteria:
- The remit is relevant to local government as a whole. Not just a single Zone, Sector, or council;
- The remit relates to significant matters, including constitutional and substantive policy, rather than matters that can be dealt with administratively;
- The remit concerns matters that can’t be addressed through channels other than the AGM;
- The remit does not deal with issues that are already actioned by LGNZ. This covers work programmes underway as part of LGNZ’s strategy.
The representation of each member authority is determined by the authority population levels as per rule G13 of the constitution.
Each authority may nominate:
- Presiding Delegate - the person responsible for voting on behalf of the authority at the AGM;
- Alternate Delegate/s - person/s responsible for voting on behalf of the authority if the Presiding Delegate is absent from the AGM;
- Any other delegates - provided the total number attending the AGM does not exceed the representatives allowed under rule G13; and
- Any observers attending - no speaking or voting rights.
Observers are not part of the official delegation and if attending the AGM will be seated away from the official delegation.
To avoid confusion at the AGM please ensure that all representatives nominated as delegates to the AGM are fully aware of the delegate role they were nominated for.
The voting entitlement of each authority is determined by the authority subscription levels as per rule H1 of the constitution and the manner of voting on any issue may be required by taking of a poll and should this occur the voting entitlements will apply.
No member authority, whose annual subscription is in arrears, is entitled to vote at the AGM.
Proxy voting
At any AGM, votes may be exercised by a member authority by proxy as per rule G18-G20 of the constitution. If your council is not present, and would like to exercise a vote, it will only be able to do so by complying with the proxy rules.
Proxies must be in writing and submitted to LGNZ on the proxy form. Please note that the proxy must be executed under the common seal of the member authority, or by a person having delegated authority from the member authority to sign it. There must be proof of the delegated authority.
The proxy form requires the appointment of one or two individuals, rather than a member authority, to vote on behalf of a council by proxy. Therefore, councils wishing to appoint a proxy must ensure that the individual/s appointed will be attending the AGM. If an appointed individual does not to attend the AGM, and has been authorised to vote by proxy on a councils behalf, other members of the individual's council in attendance at the AGM may not vote instead, and the vote will be declared invalid.
A proxy received within 48 hours of the AGM is not valid until the meeting has passed a motion to accept it.
To register an obituary please contact us and provide the following details:
- Name of deceased;
- Role of deceased in council;
- Council registering obituary; and
- Contact details of the person registering the obituary.