2023 AGM

LGNZ holds an Annual General Meeting (AGM) each year.
The 2023 AGM was be held in person on July 26th from 2.30-4.30pm at the Te Pae Convention Centre in Christchurch.
The AGM is open to member authorities admitted to membership under the LGNZ constitution (Rule C1).
Election of President and Vice President
At the AGM this year there was be an election of the President and Vice President in accordance with the constitution (rule F1-F7 and F21-F26). Mayor Sam Broughton was elected President. Mayor Campbell Barry was elected Vice President.
The remits passed at this year’s AGM are detailed below:
1. Allocation of risk and liability in the building sector
Remit: That LGNZ:
- Engage directly with the Minister for Building and Construction to advocate for a change to the current joint and several liability framework, including examination of the MBIE policy position statement Risk, Liability and Insurance in the Building Sector.
- Make the case for alternatives and changes to joint and several liability through updating policy advice and engaging with industry groups.
Proposed by: Queenstown-Lakes District Council
Supported by: LGNZ Metro Sector
Voting results | Percentage |
Yes | 93.03 |
No | 1.74 |
Abstain | 5.23 |
2. Rate Rebate
Remit: That LGNZ advocate to Central Government to:
- Raise the income threshold for rates rebate eligibility to enable more low and fixed income property owners access to the rebate.
- Adjust the rebate amount in line with inflation and the cost of living.
- Investigate options to make rates rebates more accessible for residents by implementing an income data sharing process similar to that of Horowhenua District Council and Levin MSD office. This will enable Councils to obtain benefit income on behalf of the ratepayer and make it easier to apply for the rates rebate.
- Investigate options for data sharing between Councils, Internal Affairs and Ministry of Social Development to proactively identify households that qualify for a rates rebate rather than waiting for people to apply.
Proposed by: Horowhenua District Council
Supported by: LGNZ Zone Three
Voting results | Percentage |
Yes | 98.17 |
No | 1.83 |
Abstain | 0.00 |
3. Roading/Transport Maintenance Funding
Remit: That LGNZ:
- Publicly lobby all political parties to increase Crown funding for state highway and local road maintenance budgets.
- Consider and pursue other avenues including the Office of the Auditor General to seek resolution of the issues facing the country in relation to the systemic rundown of our national roading infrastructure.
Proposed by: New Plymouth District Council
Supported by: Kāpiti Coast District Council, Whanganui District Council, Palmerston North City Council, Grey District Council, Waipā District Council, Matamata-Piako District Council, Rotorua Lakes Council, Thames-Coromandel District Council, Masterton District Council, Whakātane District Council, Far North District Council, South Taranaki District Council, Rangitīkei District Council, Tasman District Council, Wairoa District Council, Waimakariri District Council, South Waikato District Council, Kaikōura District Council, Waikato District Council, Hamilton City Council, Mackenzie District Council, Central Hawke's Bay District Council
Voting results | Percentage |
Yes | 97.91 |
No | 0.00 |
Abstain | 2.09 |
4. Local election accessibility
Remit: That LGNZ ensure Local Government Elections are fully accessible by advocating to central government to make local government candidates eligible for the Election Access Fund.
Proposed by: Whangarei District Council
Supported by: LGNZ Zone 1
Voting results | Percentage |
Yes | 97.19 |
No | 2.81 |
Abstain | 0.00 |
5. Ability for co-chairs at formal meetings
Remit: That LGNZ explores and promotes options that enable councils to make greater use of co-chair arrangements for standing committees, joint committees and sub committees.
Proposed by: Northland Regional Council
Supported by: LGNZ Zone 1
Voting results | Percentage |
Yes | 69.20 |
No | 27.54 |
Abstain | 3.26 |
6. Parking infringement penalties
Remit: That LGNZ advocate to central government to enable councils to determine penalties for parking infringements.
Proposed by: Whangarei District Council
Supported by: LGNZ Zone 1
Voting results | Percentage |
Yes | 82.39 |
No | 12.32 |
Abstain | 5.28 |
7. Rural and regional public transport
Remit: That LGNZ:
- Acknowledges the Government stated support for a major uplift in all urban bus networks nationwide under New Zealand’s first emission reduction plan.
- Calls on the Government and opposition parties to commit to increasing investment in public transport for rural and regional communities to support access to essential services and amenities, vibrant rural communities and just transition to a low emission transport system.
Proposed by: Waikato Regional Council
Supported by: Zone 2 Meeting May 2023. Remit discussed and received unanimous support.
Voting results | Percentage |
Yes | 94.16 |
No | 5.84 |
Abstain | 0.00 |
8. Establishing resolution service
Remit: That LGNZ:
- Investigates the creation of an LGNZ independent, national process to handle complaints or concerns, ensuring fairness, protection, and accountability in local government.
- Works with the Local Government Commission[1] to implement findings from its September 2021 Report – Local Government Codes of Conduct[2].
Proposed by: Hutt City Council & YEM
Supported by: Invercargill City Council, Far North District Council, Hauraki District Council, Central Otago District Council, Hutt City Council, Selwyn District Council, Porirua District Council.
Voting results | Percentage |
Yes | 77.30 |
No | 20.57 |
Abstain | 2.13 |
[1] Referred to as LCG for the balance of this remit
[2] Local Government Codes of Conduct/ Ngā tikanga whanonga Kāwanatanga ā-Rohe, Report to the Minister of Local Government, September 2021, Wellington report found here.
9. Earthquake prone buildings
Remit: That LGNZ investigate and report to members on ways to help councils and communities that are struggling with the time frames in the Earthquake Prone Building (EPB) sections of the Building Act and council policies pertaining to Priority Thoroughfares.
Proposed by: Manawatū District Council
Supported by: LGNZ Zone 3
Voting results | Percentage |
Yes | 76.24 |
No | 15.96 |
Abstain | 7.80 |
10. Kiwisaver contributions for elected members
Remit: That LGNZ ask the Government to amend the law to enable councils to make contributions to an elected members’ KiwiSaver scheme.
Proposed by: Hamilton City Council & promoted by CBEC
Supported by: Queenstown Lakes District Council, Palmerston North City Council, New Plymouth District Council, Kāpiti Coast District Council. Far North District Council
Voting results | Percentage |
Yes | 74.47 |
No | 23.40 |
Abstain | 2.13 |
11. Audit NZ Fees
Remit: That LGNZ calls on central government to take action to reduce council audit fees by:
- revisiting the scope and requirements of reporting and auditing on councils.
- conducting a review on the practice of audit in councils and work on best practice guidance to streamline this process.
This review should examine whether the reporting and audit requirements of councils are consistent with the level of reporting and audit that is required of other public entities.
Proposed by: Whanganui District Council
Supported by: New Plymouth District Council, Horizons Regional Council, Palmerston North City Council, Stratford District Council, Selwyn District Council
Voting results | Percentage |
Yes | 97.24 |
No | 2.76 |
Abstain | 0.00 |
Remits policy
- Remits should be relevant to local government as a whole, not just one zone, sector group, or council.
- Remits should address major policy issues, not just administrative matters.
- Remits need formal support from at least one zone or sector group meeting, or five councils before they can be submitted to assess support and achieve clarity about the proposal.
- Remits that are defeated at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) two years in a row cannot be resubmitted.
- Remits should not deal with issues that can be resolved through means other than the AGM.
- Remits should not address issues that are currently being worked on by LGNZ unless the issue is not currently being addressed.
- Remits must include background information and research that shows why the matter deserves consideration. The background should include the nature of the issue, why it was raised, its relationship to LGNZ's objectives, the level of work done so far, and any feedback received from zone or sector meetings. It should also suggest actions LGNZ could take if the remit is adopted.
If a remit meets these criteria, it will be screened by the Remit Screening Committee and, if approved, will be considered by the membership at the Annual General Meeting.
The representation of each member authority is determined by the authority population levels as per rule G13 of the constitution.
Each authority may nominate:
- Presiding Delegate - the person responsible for voting on behalf of the authority at the AGM;
- Alternate Delegate/s - person/s responsible for voting on behalf of the authority if the Presiding Delegate is absent from the AGM;
- Any other delegates - provided the total number attending the AGM does not exceed the representatives allowed under rule G13; and
- Any observers attending - no speaking or voting rights.
Observers are not part of the official delegation and will be seated away from the official delegation.
All representatives nominated as delegates to the AGM should be aware of the delegate role they were nominated for.
According to the constitution (rule H1), the voting rights of each authority at the AGM are determined by their subscription levels. In case of a poll on any issue, the voting entitlements will apply. Any member authority whose annual subscription is not paid is not entitled to vote at the AGM.
Proxy voting
At an AGM, a member authority can vote by proxy, which means that another person can vote on their behalf. This is allowed under rules G18-G20 of the constitution. If your council is not present at the AGM, they can only vote by complying with the proxy rules.
Proxies must be in writing and submitted on the provided form to LGNZ. It must also be executed under the common seal of the member authority or by a person authorized by the member authority with proof of delegated authority. The proxy form requires the appointment of one or two individuals to vote on behalf of the council by proxy instead of the whole member authority. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that the appointed individual/s will attend the AGM. If an appointed individual does not attend the AGM and has been authorised to vote on the council's behalf by proxy, other members of their council present cannot vote in their place, and the vote will be considered invalid.
It's important to note that if a proxy is received less than 48 hours before the AGM, it will not be valid until the meeting has passed a motion to accept it.
To register an obituary please email us with the name, role and council of the previous member and a contact person.
Agenda and business papers
The following business is to be conducted at the AGM:
- Voting for the positions of President and Vice President (in the year following the year in which triennial local government elections are held);
- President's Report and Annual Report;
- Financial statements and annual statement of accounts;
- Reports from zones or sector groups;
- Remits submitted from zones, sector groups or member authorities;
- Date and venue of the next AGM confirmed;
- Any notice or notices of motion to alter, add to, rescind or otherwise amend the Rules of LGNZ; and
- Any other business that the National Council or the AGM resolves to be considered.