Ngā pūrongo ā-tau/Ngā hui
Annual reports & meetings

LGNZ's annual reports and AGM provide valuable updates and insights into our work and deliverables.
Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of member authorities is held annually as part of the LGNZ conference. The 2024 AGM will be held on Wednesday 21 August from 1.00pm-2.30pm (with registration/afternoon tea available from 12.30pm-1pm) at the Tākina Wellington Convention & Exhibition Centre.
At each AGM the following business is conducted:
- Voting for the positions of President and Vice President (in the year following the year in which triennial local government elections are held);
- President's Report and Annual Report;
- Financial statements and annual statement of accounts;
- Reports from zones or sector groups;
- Remits submitted from zones, sector groups or member authorities;
- Date and venue of the next AGM confirmed;
- Any notice or notices of motion to alter, add to, rescind or otherwise amend the Rules of LGNZ; and
- Any other business that the National Council or the AGM resolves to be considered.
If you have questions about the AGM please email us at:
2024 AGM
Information about the 2024 annual meeting
2023 AGM
Minutes from the 2023 annual meeting
Annual Reports
Download and read recent annual reports